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Voluntary Disruption was born out of the desire to challenge the status quo – and change the way the industry views enhanced, employee-funded benefits – formerly known as “voluntary.”

Word choice is paramount to ensuring clients understand the value that you, as your clients’ trusted benefits adviser, bring to the table.

What message are you sending your clients when you use industry standard, status quo terminology, such as “voluntary,” “ancillary” or “supplemental” to describe the benefits designed to enhance your client’s total employee benefits package?

Based on the actual dictionary definition of these improperly used words, the message your client hears insinuates that the products you’re recommending are unimportant or non-essential, which couldn’t be further from the truth.

vol•un•tary, adj.done, given, or acting of one’s free will

an•cil•lary, adj.providing something additional to a main part or function

sup•ple•men•tal, adj.provided in addition to what is already present or available to complete it

Eric Silverman, named the Voluntary Adviser of the Year by Employee Benefit Adviser, is one of the most recognized authorities and disruptive thought leaders in his industry.

As the driving force leading the charge behind this industry paradigm change, Eric insists that referring to these types of benefits as “enhanced benefits,” speaks to the true value of the solution they provide in rounding out an employer’s overall employee benefits package.

The “perfect partner” for broker advisers, small to large, all across the nation, Eric and his team at SBG, will form and become your enhanced benefits division handling everything from start to finish to help you strategically recommend, offer and install a customized enhanced benefit solution for your clients and their employees. The best part – this is all accomplished with zero negative impact to your or your clients bottom-line.


A conversation with Eric, his partners and industry colleagues.



  • “Eric is truly an innovator in the voluntary benefits space. He works closely with brokers/advisors to create intelligent packages for employers and their employees to properly fill in gaps in coverage without over coverage or over selling, in a coordinated enrollment environment to help support the full benefit education and enrollment process.”

    David Contorno, BenefitsPro Magazine Broker of the Year, Health Rosetta Founding Advisor and President, Lake Norman Benefits, Mooresville, NC

  • “Ambition is a dream with a V8 engine and truth is like the sun, you can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away.’ ~ Elvis Presley. From as long as I can remember, I've always been a huge Elvis fan and Eric is the ‘Elvis’ of ‘Enhanced Benefits.’ His ambition and drive to be the premier disruptive force in his industry and his constant preaching of the truth most brokers don’t want to hear about how to have success in ‘enhanced benefits,’ is the exact reason why I’m proud to call Eric my partner.”

    Mick Rodgers, 2017 EBA Magazine Overall Adviser of the Year, Founder and Managing Partner, The Axial Company, Burlington, MA

  • “I think what we like most about working with Silverman Benefits, was the fact that they were able integrate the enhanced benefits strategy into what we were doing on the core side of the business and they are able to streamline the administration so we don’t have those typical hurdles to work through.”

    Bob Gearhart, Jr., Partner
    DCW Group, Youngstown, OH

  • “Eric customizes each offering to employees based on what is needed and appropriate rather than implementing high commission products just to increase his bottom line. His philosophies regarding enhanced benefits align well with our mission to always do what is right for the client.”

    Suzy Johnson, President and Owner
, Employee Benefit Advisors of the Carolinas, Charlotte, NC

  • “Our agency trusts Eric to implement voluntary benefits for our business clients. He is hands on, resourceful and has strong relationships with the top carriers in the market. He and his team do the heavy lifting when it comes to implementation and support. We could not ask for a more professional and details expert to partner with.”

    Rudy Garcia, Founder, 
Qandun Insurance Agency, Glendale, CA

  • “I've worked with many status quo "voluntary benefit" carrier offices and Eric is anything but! He and his firm are strategic with their solutions in a way that I've never seen traditional voluntary benefit firms operate. I no longer believe a single carrier solution and single carrier rep approach is the "best-in-class" that my clients deserve and expect.”

    Kim Eckelbarger, Founder, 
Tropical Risk Management, Trinity, FL


  • “Eric is truly an innovator in the voluntary benefits space. He works closely with brokers/advisors to create intelligent packages for employers and their employees to properly fill in gaps in coverage without over coverage or over selling, in a coordinated enrollment environment to help support the full benefit education and enrollment process.”

    David Contorno, BenefitsPro Magazine Broker of the Year, Health Rosetta Founding Advisor and President, Lake Norman Benefits, Mooresville, NC

    “’Ambition is a dream with a V8 engine and truth is like the sun, you can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away.’ ~ Elvis Presley. From as long as I can remember, I've always been a huge Elvis fan and Eric is the ‘Elvis’ of ‘Enhanced Benefits.’ His ambition and drive to be the premier disruptive force in his industry and his constant preaching of the truth most brokers don’t want to hear about how to have success in ‘enhanced benefits,’ is the exact reason why I’m proud to call Eric my partner.”

    Mick Rodgers, 2017 EBA Magazine Overall Adviser of the Year, Founder and Managing Partner, The Axial Company, Burlington, MA

  • “I think what we like most about working with Silverman Benefits, was the fact that they were able integrate the enhanced benefits strategy into what we were doing on the core side of the business and they are able to streamline the administration so we don’t have those typical hurdles to work through.”

    Bob Gearhart, Jr., Partner
    DCW Group, Youngstown, OH

    “Eric customizes each offering to employees based on what is needed and appropriate rather than implementing high commission products just to increase his bottom line. His philosophies regarding enhanced benefits align well with our mission to always do what is right for the client.”

    Suzy Johnson, President and Owner
, Employee Benefit Advisors of the Carolinas, Charlotte, NC

  • “Our agency trusts Eric to implement voluntary benefits for our business clients. He is hands on, resourceful and has strong relationships with the top carriers in the market. He and his team do the heavy lifting when it comes to implementation and support. We could not ask for a more professional and details expert to partner with.”

    Rudy Garcia, Founder, 
Qandun Insurance Agency, Glendale, CA

    “I've worked with many status quo "voluntary benefit" carrier offices and Eric is anything but! He and his firm are strategic with their solutions in a way that I've never seen traditional voluntary benefit firms operate. I no longer believe a single carrier solution and single carrier rep approach is the "best-in-class" that my clients deserve and expect.”

    Kim Eckelbarger, Founder, 
Tropical Risk Management, Trinity, FL


As a contributing Amazon best-selling author, Eric, along with other NextGeneration Benefits Leaders, shares powerful cutting-edge strategies any organization can leverage to contain costs and create a happier, healthier, more loyal and more productive workforce.

In his game-changing book Eric reveals…

  • How a well-designed, employee-funded program can meaningfully enhance any benefits plan
  • Why it’s vital employers don’t let their adviser ignore the value of enhanced benefits
  • How to create a NextGeneration Benefits Program that strategically integrates enhanced benefits to  avoid any redundancy and wasteful employee overspend

Strategically designed and customized enhanced benefit solutions play a critical role in rounding out a company’s total benefits package. Yet, far too often, enhanced benefits are ignored to the detriment of a company’s valuable workforce.

Eric provides a straightforward approach to incorporating such valuable benefits to create positive outcomes for employers and their valuable employees.




If you’re a full-service health and life insurance adviser, broker, consultant or an employer who is interested in receiving a free, no-obligation copy of Eric’s new book, contact us now!






      Follow Eric on his journey as he continues to disrupt the industry formerly known as "voluntary"!